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Agnihotram Simplified !

Agnihotra. Agni implies FIRE and hotra intends to offer unto the fire to make a recuperating impact. Agnihotra, otherwise called Homa Therapy or Fire Therapy is a Vedic practise that improves human lives making a balance between the nature inside us and around us by tuning our brain and body with cadence of nature. It's a procedure of filtration whose positive outcomes have been built up by researchers, specialists, biologists both present day and old. Agnihotra is an impressive and rudimentary mending treatment rehearsed by individuals worldwide as it doesn't have any strict or national subtleties connected to it. Agnihotra can be performed by anybody, anyplace, at home, in the nursery, office and so on in a perfect and clean condition. The procedure is tuned to the biorhythm relating with dawn and nightfall, henceforth Agnihotra is performed definitely at given nearby dawn and dusk timings. Fire is set up in a semi-pyramid molded copper vessel. Two oblations of two squeeze brimming with rice spread with Cow's Ghee is offered in this fire; at the same time two Vedic Mantras are recited.

Agnihotra, according to Vedas, is the ancient most Upasana or a process of creating oneness between our consciousness and Universal consciousness. Practicing Agnihotra has a positive influence on body, mind, soul, & environment; and sets us on the path to attain inner balance & spiritual bliss.

Agnihotra is a purifying, healing phenomenon. Fire is known to benefit life on earth because of its ability to episodically burn solids and liquids into life enhancing gases. The good gases released while performing Agnihotra are charged with high energy and benefit human lives and other life forms in the environment.

SEMI - PYRAMID SHAPED COPPER VESSEL The vessel or Patra recommended for Agnihotra is made of unadulterated copper which is known for its Oligodynamic (for example antibacterial) properties. Copper, which is known to be an amazing transmitter of warmth and power, assumes a significant job during the time spent Agnihotra. Agnihotra has close association with fire, heat, electromagnetic powers and astronomical vitality fields. The state of Agnihotra vessel is decisively like pyramid. Indian A2 Cows Sacred Dung Cake Fire for Agnihotra is to be set up out of dried INdian Breed Cows Dung Cakes. Cow manure is viewed as exceptionally restorative and recuperating substance by Ayurveda and other elective mending frameworks. Its has hostile to bacterial properties, it is utilized as a pesticide and a manure in cultivating, and so forth It is additionally helpful in numerous scatters like skin ailments, kidney ailments, liver sicknesses, weight, heart diseases, and so on. To Order this A2 Cows Dung Cakes for Agnihotram Click HERE Now

Indian COW'S PURE GHEE AND RICE GRAINS Indian Breed A2 Cow's Pure Ghee according to Ayurveda, this A2 Cows Ghee has numerous restorative characteristics that get discharged in the air on burning in the Fire. Ghee is said to advance every one of the three parts of mental working - learning, memory and review. Ayurveda considers Ghee as a reviving and life span advancing nourishment. In numerous societies around the globe, rice is a piece of every day diet. Ayurveda believes rice to be a finished nourishment grain as it is anything but difficult to process and has numerous imperative supplements.

he offerings of Agnihotra are to be offered to the fire along with the chanting of Sanskrit mantras.

All the alphabets of the Sanskrit language are endowed with special vibrational powers. Their utterance in esoteric combination produces unique sound waves. These vibratory sound waves are powerful beyond imagination. Their effect on the atmosphere, living beings and even plants is extremely pacifying. These particular combinations of sounds and meanings of the Sanskrit language are known as Mantras.

Agnihotra Mantras are to be uttered in their original form that is in Sanskrit. They are not to be translated in any other language because it will change their original frequency patterns. The translated words will be devoid of creating the beneficial vibratory sound waves and hence no benefits can be derived from uttering such words.


Agnihotra time is referred to as ‘Sandhya’ i.e. transitional moment. It is neither day nor night, neither light nor darkness. Veda describe this particular period as the Passage to Enlightenment ‘(Tirtha). The Yoga sutras attaches importance to this transitional moment. As per Yoga a man makes the use of either the left or the right nostril for breathing during the period from sunrise to sunset and there is a shift in the order beginning with sunset to sunrise. During this period ‘Ida’ and ‘Pingala’, Nadis or channels of flow of energy, located in the breathing apparatus of the body, remain active in succession. Agnihotra is ordained to be performed exactly on these vitally important transitional moments. During these moments changes take place in the atmosphere which causes vital impact on all life forms and on the environment. Exactly at the time of sunrise and sunset they are in the process of transition. The mind and body are in balance during this time band. Performance of Agnihotra synchronizing with this time strengthens the beneficial effects on the mind and the body.

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